Gonna Have Union

30 Minutes 1993
GONNA HAVE UNION, a half hour video, was produced for the 25th Annual Conference of the Northwest Progressive Labor History Association in 1993. Featuring three old-timers and their stories about the struggle of Vancouver Island loggers to establish a union, the video incorporates old photographs and archival newspaper clippings. An important part of the video documents the struggle between communist and anti-communist factions in the International Woodworkers of America (IWA), the formation of the short-lived Woodworkers Industrial Union of Canada (WIUC) and the bitter Iron River Strike where IWA leaders led workers across a WIUC picket line.
Produced & Directed By: Eva Manly and Jim Manly
Director of Photography and Editor: Eva Manly
Distributed by Manly Media
To order this tape email paulmanly@shaw.ca with the name of the tape. Please indicate whether the request is for Rental or Purchase or Purchase-Preview.